Lucy Blake's Weblog

Thank God for the Salvo’s… really? Can’t be his fault!!
August 13, 2014, 1:58 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

There’s a play currently in production at Griffin Theatre Company in Sydney. For an explanation please see the link below:

Ugly mugs confidential accounts of rape and violence should never be entertainment

Peta the genius who devised this creation which I describe as “Snuff Theatre” works for The Salvos. Yes the Salvation Army who on a daily basis attempts to manipulate it’s way into brothels all over the country by buying sex workers off with cup cakes and at Christmas time if we’re really lucky.. Mary Jane lip gloss and make up bag!!

Since giving up my career in the welfare sector to be a full time Mistress, the Salvos have been a bit of curiosity to me…. them and Rhed which is pretty much the same as the Salvos except they try and break into brothels by giving away Beppy sponges instead of cupcakes.

Many sex workers are pissed off and focusing on the issue of the Ugly Mug book being used in such a disrespectful and blatantly dangerous manner. Quite frankly as a friend said when we were discussing the blog above it’s more “a cluster fuck of issues”.  Some people hone in on the Ugly Mug, some people the fact that a sex worker is watching herself being dissected in a morgue while a monologue of sex worker death is being read out…. all in good taste I’m sure!

Some people are horrified at the fact that The Malthouse Theatre were approached with a multitude of concerns and chose to ignore sex workers, instead rubbing salt into the wounds by offering free tickets in so we could directly be insulted and afflicted by the bullshit. The Griffin Theatre Company showed a particular level of class when sex workers approached them asking them not to use the Ugly Mug booklet by then turning around asking the sex workers for a few more…. aka I hear you, but fuck you, give me more.

For me one of the things that has really infuriated me is the Salvation Army and Peta Brady. According to Australian Stage

Peta Brady is a writer and actor, who most recently appeared at La Mama in Angus Cerini’s Save For Crying, earlier in 2011. She works for the Salvation Army and as a mobile health alcohol and drug safety outreach worker on weekends.

I’ve worked in welfare with sex workers, in drug and alcohol, mental health, disability, palliative care, HIV/AIDS orgs, Hep C orgs, woman’s refuges, homeless shelters, proclaimed places, youth work…. you name it and I’ve pretty much done it…. EXCEPT I haven’t worked for a religious organisation (they must have prayed on whether or not to employ me and with that direct line to god thing going on, they were forewarned lol). I know in all of the jobs I’ve ever done, I have to sign a confidentiality agreement when I start. When I sign this I basically say I will not discuss my clients, issues, or anything that occurs in the process of carrying out my duties. I am saying I will not discuss any of these things at a dinner party, or McDonald’s when I’m on a hot date and certainly not turn it into a spot of Snuff Theatre!

I am HORRIFIED Peta Brady is still employed at the Salvation Army. Clients have rights. Services actually need to provide booklets/brochure on Clients Rights and one of the first things ALWAYS mentioned in Clients Rights booklets is their right to confidentiality. There are strict legal requirements around client confidentiality so I have NO IDEA how she’s getting away with collecting info from her client base and turning it into Snuff Theatre.

I consulted Google to try and discover their policy on confidentiality/terms of accessing service etc. Surprise! Nothing there but I did find this:

The Salvation Army’s page on “Social Justice”

Visions and Mission_Positional Statements_Guidelines for Salvationists_SOCIAL JUSTICE

The Salvation Army has from its inception applied Biblical principles to the social problems presented by humanity and society, and this continues to be our work. We believe that Jesus Christ is the answer for humanity’s deepest need. The Bible consistently emphasises justice, and particularly social justice:

in how people are treated in the just division of resources

in how people relate to each other

in caring for others (Zechariah 7: 9-10)

Jesus taught the two-fold responsibility – to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul,strength and mind, and your neighbour as yourself. The Bible teaches against:

the luxury of the rich and the deprivation of the poor

pride and arrogance indifference to the needs of others

oppression and exploitation of the poor

institutional corruption

It teaches:
responsibility and accountability for others out of our love for God.
(Romans 13: 8-10)

By allowing this Snuff Theatre to go ahead, Peta and the Salvation Army who are well aware of this play – well aware Peta has breached client confidentiality (which is illegal), is well aware of how their “client base” feels about it, they have also chosen to violate every one of the points in their position on Social Justice.

The Salvation Army has been unwilling to hold a staff member accountable for the most horrible sin you can commit when working in the welfare sector. When you breach trust, not only are you potentially committing a crime, but you wound your client. You wound your organisation because your clients will talk to each other and sooner rather than later, none of the client base you are funded to work with will tolerate you in their space…. careful if that happens because your stats will drop off and you’ll have to give your funding back.

I encourage ALL sex workers to boycott the Salvation Army. I encourage you to get the receptionist to take their dam cuppycakes off them in the reception lounge/meet room and then get rid of the Salvation Army workers. Do not talk to them, do not engage with them unless it’s to tell them they have betrayed client confidentiality, support sex worker Snuff and quite frankly you hate their ideology and approach to the sex industry. You do not have to talk to them, you do not have to fear them, you just have to get the cuppycakes off them and get them the hell away from you.

Peta Brady as a colleague I am appalled at your behaviour and if you worked for me in my organisation I’d have you instantly dismissed. No 3 written warnings, just pack your shit and get out immediately. I think you’re death to your client base, you are unprofessional, unethical, you bring great shame on the profession and the organisation you work for. From one welfare professional to another, you disgust me and I would not work with you.

You are a predator who has preyed on your client base, passed judgement and in doing so have made it murky, grubby and grim. You have fed into a very harmful and incorrect stereotype and then sensationalised it with scenes of a human being, a woman, in a morgue watching her own autopsy and directly relating it to her profession. You have in fact blamed her for her own death rather than the person who caused her death. Well done.

Salvation Army…. WAKE UP!

I encourage everyone to let the Malthouse Theatre and Griffin Theatre Company know what you think. You can do this by using the links from sexliesducttape below. I assure you it scares the shit out of them when you start Tweeting and using other social media. It is not a wasted 3 minutes out of your life 😉

Griffin Theatre Company – Facebook – posts on July 30th and Aug 5th show the autopsy scene and a post on July 28th shows a character holding a copy of the closed sex worker only Ugly Mugs publication.  Comments can be added on individual posts or post to page.

Griffin Theatre – Twitter – the Griffin are using #uglymugs to tweet – I would suggest including this but also adding #rightsnotrescue

Malthouse Theatre – Facebook – post referring to “The play’s great achievement is humanizing the victim..” on June 2nd and a post detailing costume design including “working girl” on May 29th.  Comments can be added on individual posts or post to page.

Malthouse Theatre – Twitter – also using #uglymugs to tweet – again would suggest including this but adding #rightsnotrescue to tweets

Griffin Theatre Company (Website) – Ugly Mugs – comments can be added at end of the page.

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